**A Holy Mess Podcast is ranked in the top 1% globally** Welcome to A HOLY MESS, a safe place for you! Great at taking care of business but struggle taking care of you? You’re in the right place! Does your life look pretty good on the outside, but inside, you’re struggling? I’m here to help. If you’ve been feeling stuck, lost, exhausted, tired, or just drowning in a life that seems unfulfilling, broken, or like something is missing, THIS is the podcast for you. I’m bringing you the absolute raw, unfiltered, and authentic truth. Together, we will figure out how you can learn to thrive through the drama and trauma of life. Even as Christians who sometimes feel unworthy and shame about our past, anxious about our future, or feel like we are not enough. There is so much more for us! There’s hope, joy, peace, fun, purpose, and a reason that YOU are on this planet. We CAN have fun and laugh while trudging through our messes; this stuff doesn’t need to be dry and boring! We will dig into finding freedom in our mess, tactical tools to help in our daily lives, and amazing guests, too! ”Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”-Psalm 84:5 I can’t wait to journey with you! Your new friend, Dani Learn -> www.danisumner.com Connect -> hello@danisumner.com Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/DaniSumnerCoaching Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/danisumner/

Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
Hi friends!
Is anyone else feeling the pressure of the world right now? Holy moly… it's intense in so many of our lives. If you're struggling, know you're not alone. I share a funny story in today's episode because why not? And I also share three quick tips to help when stressed or overwhelmed with life.
Quotes mentioned:
There is hardship in everything except eating pancakes."— Charles Spurgeon
"A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears." -Charles Spurgeon
Want to become a "Dani Insider"?--Be the first to know everything going on with the Podcast and receive my free weekly newsletter--*I promise to keep it real like on the Podcast, and hopefully mildly entertaining 🤣🥳--sign up here!
Glad you're here!
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟 Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Hi friends!
Today's episode will be the shortest episode ever! You're welcome. haha.
It's called "The Hindsight 20/20 Rule," and I want to write a book about it, eventually.
For several years now, I have had this 'rule' and mantra, and I can't even tell you how many times it's helped me in such a huge way. I hope it helps you too!
Want to become a "Dani Insider"?--Be the first to know everything going on with the Podcast and receive my free weekly newsletter--*I promise to keep it real like on the Podcast, and hopefully mildly entertaining 🤣🥳--sign up here!
Glad you're here!
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Hello friends!
I'm excited to introduce you to Kylene Jackson, one of our community members! Kylene is such an awesome lady, and she's such a testimony to never giving up and is so honest and authentic.
🌟LAST CALL🌟--Doors close May 18th at midnight for this round of "The Feel Better Journey."
Women's group meeting on Sunday at 2 pm (PST) / 5 pm (EST).
Men's Group meeting on Tuesday at 2 pm (PST)/5 pm (EST).
If you're interested in finding a deep, meaningful community and encountering more peace and breakthrough in your life, I'd love to have you join me in this round of The Feel Better Journey!
✅Jump in: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Grateful you're here today, and if you need prayer, please email me at hello@danisumner.com
Much love,
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
Hi friend!
Life is like spotty internet... I share a ‘funny’ story about getting our internet back up and thriving! I tie it into helping us all learn to thrive, no matter what the circumstances or we may be going through.
Glad you’re here! If you need prayer or have questions, please email hello@danisumner.com
I’m here.
Cheering for you,
🌟🎉Want to hang out with me on Zoom once a week for 12 weeks? Join "The Feel Better Journey"—doors are open!🎉🌟 If you want help to learn to extend grace to yourself, jump in-- I'd love to journey with you! :) The program begins the week of May 21st. Space is limited.
Please check out the link for more info and to sign up: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Hi friends!
Today we have a Therapist and my new friend Molly LaCroix on. Molly is the real deal!
Molly talks about IFS - Internal Family Systems Therapy, and we talk about —Adverse childhood experiences a bit.
There truly are so many helpful tools and healing modalities to help us find deep and lasting healing from the hard things we’ve experienced.
🎉Molly's book: “Restoring Relationship”—Transforming Fear Into Love Through Connection. I will give away three copies —We will draw names on May 20th and let you know via email if you won, and we will have it shipped to you right away. To be entered into the raffle, email hello@danisumner.com and put in the subject “Molly’s book,” and you’re in, easy peasy.
Warm Regards,
Dani :)
🌟🎉Want to hang out with me on zoom once a week for 12-weeks? Join "The Feel Better Journey,"—doors are open!🎉🌟 If you want help to learn to extend grace to yourself, jump in-- I'd love to journey with you! :) The program begins the week of May 21st. Space is limited. If you are interested and have questions, please email me at hello@danisumner.com and we can jump on a call. Or jump on my calendar here!
Please check out the link for more info and to sign up: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Hi friends,
I'm so glad you're here today!
If you struggle deeply when your children or family member struggles, or they're 'having a moment or meltdown'— I hope this episode encourages you!
It's so important to remind ourselves that our care for others is rooted in love. You're more amazing than you realize.
"The last thing we can control in our children is their emotions."
Dani :)
🌟🎉Want to hang out with me on zoom once a week for 12-weeks? Join "The Feel Better Journey,"—doors are open!🎉🌟 If you want help to learn to extend grace to yourself, jump in-- I'd love to journey with you! :) The program begins the week of May 21st. Space is limited. If you are interested and have questions, please email me at hello@danisumner.com and we can jump on a call. Or jump on my calendar here!
Please check out the link for more info and to sign up: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Hi friends!
Ok, you guys are in for another gift today; hearing from Julie Brown and part of her journey! Julie is an amazing woman, and I'm so proud of her! She recently went through The Feel Better Journey, and it's always holy ground when people share their hearts and parts of their stories with us. Be encouraged! You are not alone!
So much love!
🌟🎉Also, if you are interested in journeying with me in the 12-week group coaching program—"The Feel Better Journey,"—doors officially open today!🎉🌟 If you want help to learn to extend grace to yourself, jump in-- I'd love to journey with you! :) The program begins the week of May 21st. Space is limited. If you are interested and have questions, please email me, and we can jump on a call. Please check out the link for more info and to sign up: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Hi friends!
You are in for a treat today—my dear friend Kielo, part of our Podcast community, is sharing his story! And wow, this man has some wisdom for us all! He's been through so much, and his humility, wisdom, and kindness are such gifts to humanity! And he's hilarious! Be encouraged!
Links to Keilo's songs I mentioned:
🌟If you're interested in finding a deep, meaningful community and encountering more peace and Spiritual healing in your life, I'd love to have you join us for 12 weeks in the next round of The Feel Better Journey!
We are forming one men's and one women's group soon!
Love you,
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Hi friends!
Life can be so triggering and stressful! I have this motto I try to live by: "72 degrees and sunny." It means that no matter what is happening around me, I want to be "72 degrees and sunny" inside. It's my way of helping me regulate my emotions, especially when I'm triggered. And hello, that's daily! I don't want to be "104 degrees", raging with anxiety, OR "32 degrees", and struggling with despair. You get my drift!
Today I'm talking about three simple tools and two important questions I ask myself that help get me back to my 72 degrees and sunny. I hope it helps you! It helps me 50/50! ;) But that's better than nothing, right?!
🎉Want to hang out with me on Zoom for 12 weeks?! Jump on the waitlist for my small group program here!
🌟To learn more about "The Feel Better Journey" that's launching again soon, check it out here: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Here are the prayers I mentioned today as well:
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can.
And the = to know the difference.
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil, for yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Huge blessings and much love,
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Hi friend!
True transformation in our life can come at a high price, but it's oh so worth it!
Happy Easter! I hope this short episode blesses you.
If you're interested in finding a deep, meaningful community and encountering more peace and breakthrough in your life, I'd love to have you join me for six weeks in the next round of The Feel Better Journey! Jump on the waitlist here: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Quotes mentioned:
"To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life story, the light side, and the dark."
"Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation."—Liz Gilbert.
"Rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection."—Brene Brown.
Verse mentioned:
Isaiah 51:3 "The Lord will surely comfort Zion, and will look with compassion on all your ruins; He will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her."
The song mentioned: (I LOVE this song!)
"Living Proof" by Mary J. Blige. YouTube // iTunes // Spotify
So much love,
xo! Dani
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list