**A Holy Mess Podcast is ranked in the top 1% globally** Welcome to A HOLY MESS, a safe place for you! Great at taking care of business but struggle taking care of you? You’re in the right place! Does your life look pretty good on the outside, but inside, you’re struggling? I’m here to help. If you’ve been feeling stuck, lost, exhausted, tired, or just drowning in a life that seems unfulfilling, broken, or like something is missing, THIS is the podcast for you. I’m bringing you the absolute raw, unfiltered, and authentic truth. Together, we will figure out how you can learn to thrive through the drama and trauma of life. Even as Christians who sometimes feel unworthy and shame about our past, anxious about our future, or feel like we are not enough. There is so much more for us! There’s hope, joy, peace, fun, purpose, and a reason that YOU are on this planet. We CAN have fun and laugh while trudging through our messes; this stuff doesn’t need to be dry and boring! We will dig into finding freedom in our mess, tactical tools to help in our daily lives, and amazing guests, too! ”Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”-Psalm 84:5 I can’t wait to journey with you! Your new friend, Dani Learn -> www.danisumner.com Connect -> hello@danisumner.com Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/DaniSumnerCoaching Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/danisumner/

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Hi friends!
Today's episode is all about learning and exploring together the deeper thread of God's grace in our life! It's tough when we judge ourselves or when others judge us. I'm sharing one of the freedom techniques I use, and I hope it helps you too!
"Grace is free. But learning to walk in it costs you everything."—Dani
Our resident Therapist Jim joins me today- trust me, it's an episode you won't want to miss.
PSA and FYI, this episode gets a little colorful and real, so make sure you have earbuds and no little ones around.
A few other episosdes with Therapist Jim Beebe:
Also, doors are open and we are taking sign ups for the next round of our program!
🎯 Struggling to forgive others?
🎯 Or Struggling to forgive yourself?
🎯 Or Do you feel deep in your bones that you were made for more and are ready to do the work to get there?
🎯 Or are you desiring more connection with authentic people?
✅ Check out The Feel Better Journey!
I hope today's episode encourages and blesses you.
I'm glad you're here.
Much love,
🔆 Want to work with Dani? Or are you interested in hanging out with Dani for 10 weeks in The Feel Better Journey?! ➡️ Schedule a virtual coffee call and connect with Dani to see if The Feel Better Journey program is a fit for you.
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
103. Feeling Distant From God? Or Is Trust An Issue For You?
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Hi friends!
If you've ever been hard on yourself for not trusting others more easily, OR if you struggle with feeling distant from God sometimes, I hope this episode encourages you!
Also, registration is starting for The Feel Better Journey! Check out more about the program here.
If you're interested in joining and have questions to see if it's a fit for you--set up a time to chat with me here.
Glad you're part of the Podcast community.
🧡, Dani
✅ Want to work with Dani? Learn more about her group coaching The Feel Better Journey
🌟 To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🙏🏽 Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉 Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Hi friends!
In today's episode, I'm sharing a huge realization I had about why it's so hard to trust God at times and what peace in life actually looks like.
Last week I went white water rafting for the first time--It was on my husband Gary's 'bucket list' but definitely not mine.
However, now I'm ready to be a tour guide on the rapids. Haha. Totally kidding! That will never happen! But I am so grateful and learned so much from the experience. While on the River, I learned I've been reading a few verses wrong this whole time, and I share about that in today's episode as well.
Glad you're here. If you need prayer, please email hello@danisumner.com
Much love,
🌟Want to work with Dani? Learn more about Dani's Group Coaching Program, The Feel Better Journey—Quick Overview:
- 10 weeks together.
- Weekly Zoom meetings with me as your Coach/Spiritual Director guiding you through the program.
- Connect with other likeminded people (Coaching groups are capped at 8 people, so there's plenty of time for everyone to get coached and share their stories)
- Private Podcast feed with the program material.
- Digital Workbook-- for those who love them and a door-stop for the rest of us ;)
- Women's Groups
- Men's Group
- A rich healing experience where we keep it real and honest as we find healing from our drama in life and laugh a LOT together, too. "if we're not laughing through life, we're crying."
- AND sooo much more…
Learn more here— https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney & if you're ready or have questions, jump on a short coffee call with me here!
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Hi friends!
Oh man, are we in for some golden nugget wisdom today from my Therapist Jim Beebe.
Listen in on a short clip from my Therapy session with Jim--I was struggling with being pulled in a zillion directions and feeling guilty that I couldn't do more in some areas and for some people in my life--like my aging parents, etc.
Jim's perspective completely shifted my mindset, the tremendous pressure I felt from 'failing' and 'letting people down,' and the guilt that I thought came with it all.
You have to hear his 2 minutes of straight wisdom. You're welcome. ;)
If you're new around here--jump on my mailing list for fun emails, encouragement, and updates! Click here to join!
So glad you're here!
Love you all,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟 Dani's Group Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
You guys, WE did it! 🎉
We made it to episode 100! 👉🏽 I'm so grateful for each of you.
In today's episode, I share a bit about what's been going on in my life, the struggles I'm currently walking through—and how I'm finding my way through and learning to thrive, even though some days I'd rather curl up in a ball and sleep all day. ;) Oh, the 'joys' of real life!
Also, sick and tired of feeling 'sick and tired' from the drama of life? If you love listening to this Podcast, you will LOVE the community we are building inside our program—'The Feel Better Journey,' and I'd love to have you join our next round!
Quick Overview:
- 10 weeks together.
- Weekly Zoom meetings with me as your coach/Spiritual Director guiding you.
- Private Podcast audio feed with the program material.
- A workbook for those who love them (and a door-stop for the rest of us).
- Women's Groups
- Men's Groups
- A rich healing experience where we keep it real and honest as we find healing from our drama in life and laugh a LOT together, too. "if we're not laughing through life, we're crying." 🤣
- AND sooo much more…
👉🏽✅Be the first to know when doors open and join the waitlist for The Feel Better Journey and learn more here— https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney & if you're ready or have questions, jump on a short coffee call with me here!
If you need prayer, email me at hello@danisumner.com
We're all in this together. So glad you're here.
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟 Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Hi friend!
I know if we're struggling, we can feel like we are an island at times doing this life all on our own. It can be exhausting!
In today's episode, I talk about a conversation with a dear friend a few weeks ago about the different types of people we all need in our lives and how to find them for ourselves.
This perspective has helped me so much the last few weeks--and I hope it encourages and helps you too!
🎉ANNOUNCEMENT!🎉 👉🏽 3 spots are available in a new women's group launching in 2 weeks! "The Feel Better Journey."
Email hello@danisumner.com for more info, or schedule a virtual coffee with Dani here!
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟 Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Hi friends!
This is a short encouraging episode. I hope it brings you some peace, especially if you struggle with feeling all the 'big feelings' at times!--You are not alone!
I'm learning that sometimes my feelings are guides and indicators of what's going on deep inside me. And sometimes, I feel all "the feelings" because maybe I ate something that didn't agree with my body or I didn't get enough sleep.
We're complex beings, but we were created this way--so I'm learning to honor even the things that drive me nutty about myself. ;) I hope you are too. :)
Here's a poem a friend just shared with me, two verses, and a song that's encouraging me this week.
Poem: "The Guest House" by Rumi
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
Because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
Verses: Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”
Song: “Head To The Heart” by United Pursuit: YouTube // Spotify // iTunes
🌟If you love listening to this Podcast, you will LOVE the community we are building in The Feel Better Journey program, and I'd love to have you join our next round! --Be the first to know when doors open and join the waitlist and learn more here— https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
I'm so grateful you are here. If you need prayer or have questions about the program-I'd love to connect; please email me at hello@danisumner.com
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟 Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Hi friend,
Today Jim Beebe, LMFT takes over as host again and asks me questions about The Feel Better Journey Program. It's a fun conversation, and if you've been thinking about joining, I hope this episode clarifies if it's a fit for you.
If you love listening to this Podcast, you will LOVE the community we are building in the program, and I'd love to have you join our next round!
Be the first to know when doors open and join the waitlist for The Feel Better Journey and learn more here— https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Jim is one of our show's go-to experts and guides--the guy is awesome and the real deal! Jim has been a therapist for over 40 years and has so much wisdom and life experience. It's always a gift to our community when he comes on the show.
Jim has been on several other times, discussing helpful topics like acceptance and finding peace during rocky seasons. Here are a few other episodes he has been on with us: Episode 96, Episode 77, Episode 76, Episode 6, Episode 5.
I'm so grateful you are here. If you need prayer or have questions about the program-I'd love to connect; please email me at hello@danisumner.com
We're all in this together.
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟 Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Hi friends!
I'm' so glad you are here today! Therapist Jim Beebe is with us, and it's always a gift to hear and learn from Jim and his amazing experience and wisdom from working with people and Christian leaders for over 40 years.
Jim interviewed me for this episode, and I loved our conversation--he has such a way of pulling out great nuggets of wisdom that are so encouraging. If you're struggling or hard on yourself for your struggles, I hope this episode blesses you!
Jim is one of our show's go-to experts and guides! Jim has been a therapist for over 40 years and has worked with a gazillion people! Ok, maybe not a gazillion but you know what I mean.
He knows his stuff—He was initially going to seminary to become a Pastor, but life hit and happened, and by the Grace of God, the Lord led him into becoming a Therapist—and I couldn't be more grateful! He and his wife also teach a marriage seminar that is a powerful experience right outside of Los Angeles, California. If you want more info or to get in touch with Jim— 818-787-1242
I'm so grateful you are here. If you need prayer, email me at hello@danisumner.com
We're all in this together.
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟 Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Hi friends!
I don't know why more people don't talk about or prepare us for friendship breakups. And Holy moly, the pain it can cause us!
Friendship issues can be so hard on us, especially when they end.
In today's episode, I share my story about a friendship breakup, and I hope it encourages you!
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟 Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🎉Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list