**A Holy Mess Podcast is ranked in the top 1% globally** Welcome to A HOLY MESS, a safe place for you! Great at taking care of business but struggle taking care of you? You’re in the right place! Does your life look pretty good on the outside, but inside, you’re struggling? I’m here to help. If you’ve been feeling stuck, lost, exhausted, tired, or just drowning in a life that seems unfulfilling, broken, or like something is missing, THIS is the podcast for you. I’m bringing you the absolute raw, unfiltered, and authentic truth. Together, we will figure out how you can learn to thrive through the drama and trauma of life. Even as Christians who sometimes feel unworthy and shame about our past, anxious about our future, or feel like we are not enough. There is so much more for us! There’s hope, joy, peace, fun, purpose, and a reason that YOU are on this planet. We CAN have fun and laugh while trudging through our messes; this stuff doesn’t need to be dry and boring! We will dig into finding freedom in our mess, tactical tools to help in our daily lives, and amazing guests, too! ”Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”-Psalm 84:5 I can’t wait to journey with you! Your new friend, Dani Learn -> www.danisumner.com Connect -> hello@danisumner.com Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/DaniSumnerCoaching Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/danisumner/

Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Doors are open to Dani's coaching program, and you're invited to join us in The Feel Better Journey- 8 weeks to get unstuck from the things holding you back!
Bonuses: The first ten people who sign up will get $100 off, and the first five will ALSO get a free 30 one-on-one coaching call with me! ($100 value)
Use code EARLYBIRD24 for the bonuses! Here's the link.
Hi friend!
If you've ever struggled with knowing when to help someone who is struggling and when to set a boundary, I hope today's episode helps!
Today, I'm sharing a strategy that has helped me discern that whole thing!
And I love and live by this quote: "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."
— Frederick Buechner
This strategy is not a perfect science by any means, but it has served me pretty well over the last decade, and I hope it helps you, too!
Glad you're here!
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
133. A Close Call. I Had A Drink, But I'm Still Sober. Story Time & Some Encouragement.
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Doors are open to Dani's coaching program, and you're invited to join us in The Feel Better Journey- 8 weeks to get unstuck from the things holding you back!
Bonuses: The first ten people who sign up will get $100 off, and the first five will ALSO get a free 30 one-on-one coaching call with me! ($100 value)
Use code EARLYBIRD24 for the bonuses! Here's the link.
Hi friend,
Well, life got real for me a couple of weeks ago when I unexpectedly drank alcohol on accident after over 13 years of sobriety.
I am still sober, by the Grace of God.
I'm sharing the story in today's episode.
There is so much more I could have shared, but I kept it short.
I've learned so much through this experience, and I'm sure I will share more about it all in the future.
For today, please know how grateful I am for this community and how thankful I am that you're here with us.
I'm also so grateful for the gift of life, for actually living and thriving, not just surviving.
Having this brush up with reality reminded me that I never want to take my sobriety or this beautiful life for granted.
But by the Grace of God...
*If you are actively struggling with an addiction, please find a local recovery group in your town. We all need support in times of struggle, and you are not alone.
God bless and much love,
Join my email list for all the updates and email fun!
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram

Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Doors are open to Dani's coaching program, and you're invited to join us in The Feel Better Journey- 8 weeks to get unstuck from the things holding you back!
Bonuses: The first ten people who sign up will get $100 off, and the first five will ALSO get a free 30 one-on-one coaching call with me! ($100 value)
Use code EARLYBIRD24 for the bonuses! Here's the link.
Hi friend!
In today's episode, I'm sharing insights from a conversation I had with some friends about how the harmful experiences from our past can impact our relationship with God.
I hope you find this episode encouraging and helpful no matter where you are on your faith journey.
I'm glad you're here!
Join my email list for all the updates and email fun!
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
131. ✅ 3 Tips For Dealing With Intense Emotions And Moments When You're Triggered
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Hello friend,
"The goal of life is not to NOT be triggered."—I know that sentence is not the best grammar, but that's the theme and message of today's episode!
I hope the episode encourages and blesses you.
Also, join my email list here. I'd love to connect with you there, too!
Three quick takeaways from today's episode:
✅ Get into action.
✅ Take control of our breath.
✅ Can I do anything right now to help this situation?
Grateful you're here!
Remember to sign up for my email list here.
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram

Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Hi friend,
I'm so grateful for our time with Jim today. If you're new around here, welcome!
Jim is a regular on the show, and he's been a Therapist for over 40 years. I'm so grateful for the insight and wisdom he shares with us.
We're continuing the conversation about learning to be okay when everything's not okay.
And last call for this round of The Feel Better Journey-my group coaching and mentoring program!—if you're feeling the tug, jump in! We laugh a lot and heal Spiritually together. The program is virtual & the live group calls on Zoom start Monday, February 5th at 2 pm (PST)-recordings are available if you need to miss the live calls.
Sign up today and jump right in!
It's a soul-nourishing, holy, and funnn time together. Personal development with the Lord isn't supposed to be dry and dull.
Life's too short and heavy not to have fun as we heal and grow!
In 8 weeks, you will have the tools to:
- experience more peace,
- learn to extend grace to yourself, and
- help you not be so controlled by difficult circumstances or relationships.
Just imagine how much more you'd enjoy life if you could manage your emotions and thoughts instead of them controlling and bullying you around.
Sign up now, and I will see you inside the program!
I'm glad you're here.
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram

Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Hi friend,
I used to think meditation was so "woo-hoo" or "new agey" until I started doing it and realized what a holy and fantastic practice it could be!
It doesn't have to be intimidating or be 20 minutes a day. You can do a short one in 30 seconds.
The more I practice, the more it helps. It's funny how things work that way.
Also, doors are open to The Feel Better Journey--my group coaching and mentoring program! Or aka, "Dani unplugged!"-- We laugh a lot and heal Spiritually together.
I love our community, and I'd love to journey with you! The program is virtual & the live group calls on Zoom start Monday, February 5th at 2 pm(PST)--recording available if necessary.
If you can listen to the Podcast, you can do the tech that is involved in our program :) It's super easy peasy.
It's not hard work but a soul-nourishing, holy, and funnn time together.
Life's too short and heavy not to have fun as we heal and grow!
In 8 weeks, you will have the tools to:
• experience more peace,
•learn to extend grace to yourself, and
•help you not be so controlled by difficult circumstances or complicated relationships.
Just imagine the peace you'd experience if you could manage your emotions and thoughts instead of them controlling and bullying you.
Sign up now, and I will see you inside the program!
Glad you're here,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com

Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Hi there!
I've struggled with simple routines for years...until recently!
And I have to say, routines and systems in place can be a gift and lifesaver, especially if you're in a struggling season (or a struggling lifetime, haha. More on that another day. Rome wasn't built in day! ;)
Simple tools, like an evening routine, are a simple way to thrive and make life a wee-bit more enjoyable and manageable.
If you don't have an evening routine, I'd encourage you to create a simple one, and I'd love to help.
The three non-negotiable things I do every evening, and I highly recommend them are:
1- Plan my tomorrow—As my day ends today, set my day up for tomorrow—write my top 3 priorities for tomorrow's tasks.
2- Do one special or soul-nourishing thing for myself in the evening.
3- Say one thing I did well today.
Super simple, right?
Also, doors are open to The Feel Better Journey-my group coaching and mentoring program! Or aka, "Dani unplugged!"-- We laugh a lot and heal Spiritually together. I love our community, and I'd love to journey with you! The program is virtual & the live group calls on Zoom start Monday, February 5th at 2pm(PST)--everything is recorded if you need to miss the live calls. If you can listen to the Podcast, you can do the tech that is involved in our program :) Super easy peasy. It's not hard work but a soul-nourishing, holy, and funnn time together. This stuff isn't supposed to be heavy, dry, and boring!
Life's too short and heavy not to have fun as we heal and grow!
In 8 weeks, you will have the tools to:
- experience more peace,
- learn to extend grace to yourself, and
- help you not be so controlled by difficult circumstances or difficult relationships in your life.
Just imagine the peace you'd experience if you could manage your emotions and thoughts instead of them controlling and bullying you.
Sign up now, and I will see you inside the program!
I'm glad you're here.
Much love,
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram

Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Hi friend,
Today, we're talking with Grace from our community. She's such a wonderful woman, and I can't wait for you to meet her! She's the real deal and such an inspiration.
Grace's sharing her experience in The Feel Better Journey Group Mentoring and Coaching Program—and doors are open now! ✅🌟
Take the leap, set aside this short season, and focus on your healing and the tools to help you enjoy life again and thrive—You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sign up for The Feel Better Journey here, and I will see you inside the program!
✅The program starts the week of February 5th.
🌟The first 15 people to sign up get a FREE bonus kick-off hour of coaching to set you up for success in the program; it will be a fun time together.
How does the program work? That's a great question, and I'm glad you asked. ;)
🎧There's a private podcast created just for you--if you like this podcast, you will LOVE the program. Each week, episodes will drop to walk you through the course content.
💫A workbook for you to follow; if you're a workbook-type person, you will love the workbook! Otherwise, you can use it as a doorstop. It's up to you! ;)
💫Weekly group coaching/mentoring meetings with Dani!
💫There's mid-week encouragement/videos/texts from Dani as well.
💫There's a group community chat for encouragement and a place to connect with other community members and ask questions.
💫The tech is easy peasy--and we walk you through it all.
Have any questions, email hello@danisumner.com
I can't wait to journey with you! It's going to be a great time together!
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Hi friend,
➡️First, I'd LOVE for you to join me on Sunday, January 21st, for a FREE live virtual workshop called Thrive Under Pressure! Sign up here!
🎯I will talk about a few different strategies on how to move forward when you’re feeling stuck, exhausted by life, or struggling with anxiety. Come if you can; I'd love to have you there! There will be a replay if you can't make it live.
Today, I'm sharing quotes, a song, and a verse.
If you're feeling distant from Go, on the struggle bus in your faith with Jesus, or feeling like a stranger to yourself-- I hope this episode encourages you a bit!
Two quotes:
The first one by me. ;)
"Become who you came here to be."-Dani
And I never thought I'd quote Mike Tyson on the show, but I read this last week, and it's stuck with me about life and some of our experiences and journey— "Everyone has a plan until they are punched in the mouth."—Mike Tyson.
Psalm 139: 13-14 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your words are wonderful, I know that full well."
"Fresh Eyes"-Andy Grammar YouTube // iTunes // Spotify
Here's the link to the FREE workshop: Thrive Under Pressure
January 21st @ 2 pm (PST). I can't wait to be there with you!
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer, have questions, or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram

Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
Hi friend,
If you sometimes struggle to prioritize yourself, I hope this episode blesses you.
Sometimes, when we try to care for ourselves, we feel guilty or selfish. I know many of us were never taught to care for ourselves in a soul-nourishing way. But I have found that when we learn this skill, we become a better help for the people in our lives that Jesus has around us.
This year, we will talk more about healing this relationship with ourselves and learning how to better care of ourselves spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. I believe Jesus taught us much about this, and I can't wait to explore it more together.
🎉Here's the link to the FREE workshop: Thrive Under Pressure🎉
January 21st @ 2 pm (PST). I can't wait to be there with you!
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
✅ Dani's Coaching program--"The Feel Better Journey."
🙏🏽Need prayer, have questions, or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🤳🏼 ALSO, let's connect on social media: Facebook, Instagram -> Facebook and Instagram