**A Holy Mess Podcast is ranked in the top 1% globally** Welcome to A HOLY MESS, a safe place for you! Great at taking care of business but struggle taking care of you? You’re in the right place! Does your life look pretty good on the outside, but inside, you’re struggling? I’m here to help. If you’ve been feeling stuck, lost, exhausted, tired, or just drowning in a life that seems unfulfilling, broken, or like something is missing, THIS is the podcast for you. I’m bringing you the absolute raw, unfiltered, and authentic truth. Together, we will figure out how you can learn to thrive through the drama and trauma of life. Even as Christians who sometimes feel unworthy and shame about our past, anxious about our future, or feel like we are not enough. There is so much more for us! There’s hope, joy, peace, fun, purpose, and a reason that YOU are on this planet. We CAN have fun and laugh while trudging through our messes; this stuff doesn’t need to be dry and boring! We will dig into finding freedom in our mess, tactical tools to help in our daily lives, and amazing guests, too! ”Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”-Psalm 84:5 I can’t wait to journey with you! Your new friend, Dani Learn -> www.danisumner.com Connect -> hello@danisumner.com Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/DaniSumnerCoaching Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/danisumner/

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Hi friend!
We all know how difficult it is to care for ourselves at times. But it's such an important practice. And it's biblical. Yay for awesome biblical mandates! I share a quick story and some encouragement today that I found in an old card.
I hope this short episode blesses you. Here's a link to the book I mentioned A New Kind Of Normal by Carol Kent
So much love,
Want to hang out weekly for 6 weeks with me?!—Join “The Feel Better Journey,"—The next round of the program starts in May, and I'd love to have you join us! Join the waitlist today, space is limited for this round.
Link for more info and to sign up the waitlist: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Hi friends!
In today's episode, I talk about learning to "self-regulate" and learning to care for ourselves even when life hits us hard or our emotions seem to control us.
You're not alone if you are a sensitive person! Join the club! ;) I'm learning to find the gift of my emotions and how to care for myself even when they seem overwhelming.
The book I mentioned today:
A New Kind Of Normal by Carol Kent
🌟 If you want to jump on the waitlist for the next round of "The Feel Better Journey"—6-weeks of group coaching in an amazing community and hanging out with me— as I share the exact tools and methods I used to break free from living under such a dark cloud of condemnation and frustration with myself and my life! Do I still have rough days? Of course, I'm human, and there's no magic pill, and if you have a magic pill, please, for the love of all things holy, share it with me. But I'm at so much more peace now.
🎉 I'd love to journey with you! Join the waitlist to learn when doors open to the program again! https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Talk soon.
So much LOVE & GRACE,
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Hi friends!
Do you struggle with 'limiting beliefs' or a harsh narrative in your head? Haha, I know, I know, who doesn't?
But for soooo long in my life, I believed and took to heart every little and big thing I thought. And frankly, my inner critic was so fierce and hurtful towards me that I'd like to call her a bad word, but I won't. For the last several years, I've been working on having a better relationship with my thought life, and I will talk more about this in future episodes. But I hope these three quick tips help you if you also struggle.
I've been listening to and working with an old coach of mine, and she suggested 1 question to ask ourselves when we are wrestling with those thoughts that are beating us up or holding us back, and it truly has helped me start to overcome my limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. It felt so helpful; I really just wanted to share it with you as quickly as I could. Sharing is caring. ;) I'll explain more in the episode.
I want you to know you are not alone.
So much love!
Dani :)
🌟Are you longing to feel better and have a deeper grip on God's grace? Or do you need to make peace with yourself but don't know how? If you're harder on yourself than anyone else—Jump on The Feel Better Journey waitlist! 6-weeks of group coaching hanging out with me as I share the exact tools and methods I used to break free from living under such a dark cloud of condemnation and frustration! Do I still have rough days? Of course, I'm human, and there's no magic pill, and if you have a magic pill, please, for the love of all things holy, share it with me. But I'm at so much more peace now. If you're ready for a community to journey with, we'd love to journey with you! 🌟Join the waitlist to learn when doors open to the program again! Waitlist now 👉🏽 https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Hi friends!
I hope this short episode blesses you. No matter where you find yourself today and what parts of life are wearing you down—hang in there; you are not alone!
Also, interested in jumping into the next round of The Feel Better Journey?!
Are you longing to feel better and have a deeper grip on God's grace? Or do you need to make peace with yourself but don't know how?
If you're harder on yourself than anyone else—Jump on The Feel Better Journey waitlist! 6-weeks of group coaching hanging out with me as I share the exact tools and methods I used to break free from living under such a dark cloud of condemnation and frustration! Do I still have rough days? Of course, I'm human, and there's no magic pill, and if you have a magic pill, please, for the love of all things holy, share it with me. But I'm at so much more peace now. If you're ready for a community to journey with, we'd love to journey with you! Join the waitlist to learn when doors open to the program again! https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
I am praying for you all, and please be praying for my family too.
Much love,
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Hi friends!
Do you ever struggle with intrusive thoughts?
In today's episode, I share three easy steps that can help ease the load. It's not a magic button, but it really can help.
Remember, you are not alone!
Also, if this Podcast has been a blessing or helped you—Would you mind taking 2 minutes to leave a written review for the show? My amazing Podcast coach says that helps us so much with the Podcast algorithm powers that be! ;) You get it.
Thanks so much!
Talk soon!
So much love!
Dani :)
Are you longing to feel better and have a deeper grip on God's grace? Or do you need to make peace with yourself but don't know how?
If you're harder on yourself than anyone else—Jump on The Feel Better Journey waitlist! 6-weeks of group coaching hanging out with me as I share the exact tools and methods I used to break free from living under such a dark cloud of condemnation and frustration! Do I still have rough days? Of course, I'm human, and there's no magic pill, and if you have a magic pill, please, for the love of all things holy, share it with me. But I'm at so much more peace now. If you're ready for a community to journey with, we'd love to journey with you! Join the waitlist to learn when doors open to the program again! https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
79. Short Update! & Some Quick Encouragement
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Hi friends!
I just gave a quick update on the podcast and life in today's episode!
I'm so grateful for this community.🤗 I hope these episodes encourage you and bring some light into any darkness you may be wrestling through, and the Lord knows we all have our struggles.
We honestly can't fight our 'demons' alone, and I hope this podcast empowers and encourages you on your journey.
I mentioned Psalm 31:7 "I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul."—literally, there's nothing more comforting than knowing we aren't alone in our anguish. This verse has brought me so much comfort lately.
Song of the week:
Mercy by Elevation Worship featuring Chris Brown // iTunes // Spotify // YouTube
Quotes I mentioned:
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." Mark Twain
"There are a terrible lot of lies going on in the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true."-Winston Churchill.
Laughter is some of the best medicine.
Also, are you longing to feel better and have a deeper grip on God's grace? Or do you need to make peace with yourself but don't know how? 🌟Jump on The Feel Better Journey waitlist! 6-weeks of group coaching hanging out with me as I share the exact tools and methods I used to break free from living under such a dark cloud of condemnation and frustration!
Do I still have rough days? Of course, I'm human, and there's no magic pill, and if you have a magic pill, please, for the love of all things holy, share it with me! ;) But I'm at so much more peace now, and I want to help you feel better and make peace with yourself and with God. No matter what your story is, it's possible. I promise. If you're ready for a community to journey with, we'd love to journey with you! Join the waitlist to learn when doors open to the program again! https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Have a great week, and talk soon!
Much love,
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Hi friends!
Enjoy this short encouraging episode from one of my favorite stories in the Bible from Luke 17. I hope it encourages you!
🎉 Also, last call for The Feel Better Journey program—doors close Wednesday, 2/22 at 10am (EST). I'd love for you to join us!
Sign up here: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Have a great week, and talk soon!
Much love,
🎉 Last call for The Feel Better Journey: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney -doors close Wednesday 2/22 at 10am (EST)
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Welcome back!
This is part 2 of a 2-part episode—so if you didn't listen to episode 76 with Therapist Jim Beebe—please pause this episode jump onto episode 76 first, and THEN come back to this one.
"Maybe the shadow of sadness is joy, and the shadow of shame is grace."--Jim Beebe.
Today, Jim dives into concepts like radical acceptance and how to become more grace-based with ourselves.
If you are a professional at judging yourself, this episode will bless you and empower you with tools to help you.
Jim is one of our show's go-to experts and guides! Jim has been a therapist for over 40 years and has worked with thousands of people. Yes, thousands. He knows his stuff—He was originally going to seminary to become a Pastor, but life hit and happened, and by the Grace of God, the Lord led him into becoming a Therapist—and I couldn't be more grateful! He and his wife also teach a marriage seminar that is powerful and amazing. If you want more info or to get in touch with Jim—818-787-1242
Also, if you want to experience more of the LOVE and GRACE of God, I got you! --Jump into The Feel Better Journey—a 6-week program to help you experience more peace and joy. It's a biblically based Program that was created through blood, sweat, and tears of experience, finding freedom in my own life, and then walking through the material with others.
If you are ready to feel better and walk in more acceptance and grace for yourself —no matter your story or history--this is the program for you!
Sign up here: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Want to hang out weekly for six weeks with me?!—Join "The Feel Better Journey,"—The program starts at the end of February, and I'd love to have you join us! Sign up soon!
If you have questions and want to connect or have questions—schedule a virtual coffee with me! I'd love to connect!
Here's the link to my calendar: Dani's Calendly
Link for more info and to sign up for The Feel Better Journey: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Hello, my friends!
Today's episode is ONE of my favorites EVER! It's with Therapist Jim Beebe—and if you've been around the Podcast for a bit, you know Jim is one of our favorite guests and one of my favorite humans on the planet!
Jim has been a therapist for 40 years and is an expert on humans and their emotional and spiritual experiences. Jim has a beautiful family and has been married to his wife Jane for 35 years, and they have two grown kids.
Ok, so today is one of those episodes you will probably want to listen to over and over again—the way Jim describes our struggles with our thoughts or, as he likes to say it, "our shitty committee" or harsh voice in our head is so helpful. Jim also talks about why it's so hard to change our thoughts. If you struggle with your thought life—THIS is the episode for you!
I know many of us shame ourselves because we still wrestle with our thoughts and feelings at times—and we sometimes are so hard on ourselves because it's so difficult to change.
I think Jim's perspective and wisdom will bless you!
This is a 2 part episode—so be sure to check back for Episode 77 tomorrow!
I love you guys—I am here for you—please send prayer requests and let me know how I can support you in prayer!
🌟Jump into the next round of The Feel Better Journey with me as your guide. It's a 6-week program designed to help you FEEL BETTER and find more peace, especially if you're struggling with feelings of unworthiness, regret or you're hard on yourself.
If judging yourself is a superpower, I got you, and this program will help.
I'd love to journey with you! Reach out if you'd like to set up a coffee chat with me to find out more here. Or sign up for the Program here: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
Want to hang out weekly for six weeks with me?!—Join "The Feel Better Journey,"—The program starts at the end of February, and I'd love to have you join us! Sign up soon! Space is limited for this round.
If you have questions and want to connect to see if it's the right time for you—jump into my calendar and book a virtual coffee with me! I'd LOVEEE to connect! I love connecting with our Podcast community! Here's the link to my calendar: Dani's Calendly
Link for more info and to sign up for The Feel Better Journey: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list

Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Saturday Feb 11, 2023
Hello, my friend!
Have you been affected by toxic beliefs within some Christian circles? I know we all probably have at some point or another. I hope this episode encourages you.
This episode was prompted by a conversation I had with my son Zac. Someone mentioned to him and some friends that if they follow Jesus closely they won't struggle in life... There's so much to unpack here--but I want you to know you don't have to repent for being human. Or repent for human struggles or tendencies like wrestling through depression, anxiety, fear, or sadness. There are enough barriers in our walk with Jesus on this planet. Rest assured—those fundamental human struggles, He is not holding them against you. I promise.
I'm fired up today. 'Chill Dani' will return in episode 76. Maybe. Haha. Actually, I've never been labeled 'chill,' but you get what I mean.
🎉🥳Doors are closing soon! Jump into the next round of The Feel Better Journey with me as your guide. It's a 6-week program designed to help you FEEL BETTER and find your worth, especially if you're struggling with feelings of unworthiness, regret, or hard on yourself. If judging yourself is a superpower, I got you, and this program will help.
I'd love to journey with you!
Reach out if you'd like to set up a coffee chat with me to find out more here on my calendar.
🌟Want to hang out weekly for six weeks with me?!—Join "The Feel Better Journey,"—The program starts at the end of February, and I'd love to have you join us! Sign up soon! Space is limited for this round.
Link for more info and to sign up for The Feel Better Journey: https://www.danisumner.com/thefeelbetterjourney
🌟To learn more about Dani -> www.danisumner.com
🌟Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com
🌟To get in touch on Social Media -> Facebook and Instagram
🌟Want to join Dani's email list? https://mailchi.mp/danisumner/email-list